Friday, March 7, 2008

Zero Degrees

Since I have a lot of time on my hands and couldn't get an appointment until next week I've been continuing to do my exercises to continue to restore the function to my shoulder. I was working on it last night and I realized that I have no external rotation on my left shoulder. I can't even get the shoulder to zero.

For those of you who that means nothing to, I'll explain. If you stand straight up with your arm at your side and bend your arm, at the elbow straight in front of you that would be the zero degrees position. From that point if you rotate your arm in toward your body that is called internal rotation. If you rotate it back to the zero position and then away from your body it is called external rotation. You should be able to rotate your arm approximately 90 degrees in either direction as seen below.

I can my turn arm all the way to the internal rotated position since that is where it was held during the entire time I had to wear the immobilizer. Since I was not allowed to move it during the past 5 weeks I lost all the external rotation. Hell, I can't even get back to zero. At best I'm still 1 or 2 degrees internally rotated. This is one of the things that I'm going to work on during PT and I can tell already that it is going to hurt like hell!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've lost quite a bit of weight and muscle since this surgery. I barely recognized you from the photo